Friday 10 January 2014

Genre Analysis

The Brief

AS Brief

For my AS level I had to complete 2 tasks which were the Preliminary exercise and the Main task. This Blog shows my Research, planning, construction and evaluation of these 2 tasks.

For the Preliminary task I had to complete a 60 second clip which involved a filming a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. The task also involved editing the video on Final cut and demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

The main task involved editing the titles and opening of a a horror film that had to last for a maximum of 2 minutes. 

Mind Map for Love Sucks

Story Board for Love Sucks

Shooting Schedule for Love Sucks

Script for Love Sucks


Establishing shot shown of Tunstall Court, showing different angles of the location.
A old wall is shown with sprays paint saying ‘you are going to die’.
A bloody hand slams on window and drags down to create a mark ,the title of  ‘L<3ove Sucks’ is shown.
Delilah is shown sitting on the floor of Tunstall court with her head in her hands, the movie then goes back in time to show the cause of all of this.

Rose and carls pub scene

Rose: your looking rather swarve tonight carl
Carl: *laughs*
Rose: im not lying, your Delilah is a lucky girl and she sure doesn’t deserve you
Carl: *laughs again* oh Rose , you know I love her
Rose: but lets be honest ,you’d pick me over her?
Carl: whatever Rose, I need a smoke
Rose: ill join you, I need some air
*Rose and Carl walk outside*
Carl: *very drunk and takes a swig of Rose’ hip flask*
Rose: ive had enough of this stupid Christmas party, how about we go somewhere else?
Carl: yea? Like where *cocky tone*
Rose: how about we call a taxi and go back to mine, ive got a bottle of wine in the fridge and we can get cozy?
Carl: erm… well, what about Delilah? What if she finds out? I cat cheat on her
Rose: who said anything about cheating? Were only 2 very close friends having a drink.
Carl: okay, call a taxi.

Shot of mobile phone on table and ringing, Delilah answers it and hears the news.
 Delilah: What? He’s went home with rose? TO GET COZY??? Son of a bitch!!!
*slams phone down*

Time goes back to prsent and shows Delilah sat on the floor again.
A letter slides under the door from rose, apologizing for what she had did.
A close us shot of Delilah’s angry face then she runs out of the corridor in search of rose.
A shot shows Delilah run off into the night.
The final shot shows rose laid on the floor , merely alive, cut head and bruised and on the concrete.

Call Sheet for Abandoned

Treatment Sheet for Love Sucks

Treatment Sheet for Abandoned