Wednesday 9 October 2013

History Of Comedy

History Of Comedy

The word “Comedy” originates from Greece, and generally intends to be humorous or make he audience laugh. Comedy can be used in Theatre , Film , Television or Stand Up Comedy but the popularity of different types of comedy has transformed over many years. Comedy Films sprung in to action as soon as they were revealed to the public in “Silent Film” form such a Slapstick Comedy. Comedy movies generally have no intent other than to amuse and involves 2 protagonists having some sort of row or fight that entertains the audience.

There are may different types of Comedies that can involve lots to different situations aimed at creating humor.

Slapstick- Involves visually funny humor which does not require sound, therefore referred to as Silent Movies. The Tree Stooges is an example of a silent movie.

Fish out of water- Stages a individual involved n a situation they have never experience before and results in a sequence of humorous happenings. Situations can involve such things as an Environment change, Gender change, Age change or Role change. Big is an excellent example of Age change as it involves Tom Hanks transforming to a child to adult overnight.

Parody or Spoof- Generally A film that ‘takes the mick’ out of another film including sarcasm or stereotyping to create humor for the audience. Movies such as Scary Movie are a prime example as they show the humorous side to  horror film.

Romantic Comedy- Involves a pair falling In and out of love , which capture the social interactions and sexual tensions between the pair , along the ride. The movie generally includes ‘boy gets girl’  ‘boy looses girl ‘ boy wins girl back’.  It’s a Boy Girl thing is an example of a rom-com.

Comedy was first popularized in the late 1800’s involving the visual humor of Slapstick and Burlesque. Charlie Chaplin was the main protagonist of the era promoting his famous Bowler hat and walking stick. In the 1920’s a popular trend came to light , Animated Comedy in the form f cartoons. Such films involved characters such a Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck , Betty Boop and Felix The Cat.

As the end of the 1920’s approached, so did the introduction of sound movies. Humor was now extracted through verbal humor (jokes ect…) as well as on screen humor. As the 1930’s progressed film comedians  W. C. Fields and the Marx BrothersStan Laurel and Oliver Hardy took over the comedy scene with the enabling of sound effects to enhance their visual humor, this introduced these lucky chaps into the film industry and from then on their name was widely recognized.

As the next decade loomed the film industry saw a wider range of stars introduced to comedy films such as Peter Sellers, finding success in his first American comedy The Pink Panther. A new category of comedy materialized to the end of the 1950’s as Dark humor and more serious themes had begun to emerge, including satire and social commentary. Sexual themes were also presented
 To the public which would of been forbidden only a few years earlier.

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